Previous Scene: Live session
Location: Durin’s Bridge
Present: Gror, Bain, Khazek, Thordar
NPCs: Goldo, Gesdrek, 3 X Mithril units.
Special Circumpstances:
- Everyone’s Will is at -1 at the moment to reflect a malaise that is affecting the invading force.
- Khazek and Thordar have awaken the ancestors inadvertently.
- They are crossing the gap through the two beams straddling the unending well. Many lose their footing and fall down, some are shot down by the crossbowmen from the Mithril, the few making across are dispatched by Gror who is blocking the way.
- There may be over 1000 such ancestors is the Hall of filled as it looks.
- The dwarves as they are have failed their morale check by 5 (including malaise and terror of the ancestors). This sets the bar to how difficult it will be to do anything with these units.
Gesdrek and Khazek are forming a second line to back Gror up if any of the ancestors are making it across the bridge. However, the whole thing looks like a suicidal lemming run. Gesdrek exclaims that his hunch is that this was meant to happen. Bain frowns.
“Something is making these corpses walk. These are just shells. I need to investigate the crypts on the 4th level to interrogate the tombs and find out how it started.”
The dwarves contemplates the situation as the crossbowmen are bleeding precious bolts against a seemingly endless trickle of enemies.
A subset of the dwarves present are pressing against the leaders and are crying to launch an assault. The impulse is not cohesive and behaves more as a mob than a military unit.